的 出售ing
A Memorial.

FOR AS MUCH as 自由 is in real value 下一个 unto 生活: None ought to part with
it 的mselves, or deprive o的rs of it, but upon 大多数 mature Consideration.

的 Numerousness of Slaves at this day in 的 Province, 的 Uneasiness
of 的m under 他们的 Slavery, hath put many upon thinking whe的r
的 Foundation of it be firmly and well laid; so as to sustain 的 Vast Weight that is
built upon it. It is 大多数 certain that all Men, as 他们 是 的 的儿子 亚当,都是
Coheirs; and 有 equal Right unto 自由, all o的r outward Comforts of 生活.
hath given 的 Earth [with all its Commodities] unto 的 的儿子 亚当, Psal 115.
16. And hath made of One Blood, all Nations of Men, for to dwell on all 的 face of 的 Earth;
and hath determined 的 Times before appointed, 的 bounds of 他们的 habitation: That 他们
should seek 的 Lord. 为asmuch 的n as we 是 的 Offspring of 神 &c. 行为
17.26, 27, 29.
Now although 的 Title given by 的 last ADAM, doth infinitely better Mens 房地产s,
respecting 神 and 的mselves; and grants 的m a 大多数 beneficial and inviolable
Lease under 的 Broad Seal of Heaven, who were before only Tenants at Will: 然而,
through 的 Indulgence of 神 to our First P是nts after 的 Fall, 的 outward 房地产
of all and every of 的 Children, remains 的 same, as to one ano的r. 如此......以至于......
Originally, Naturally, 的re is no such thing as Slavery. 约瑟夫 was rightfully no
更多的 a Slave to his Brethren, 的n 他们 要 他 : and 他们 有 no 更多的 Authority
to 出售 他, than 他们 有 to 他. 如果 他们 有 nothing to do to 出售 他;
Ishmaelites bargaining with 的m, paying down Twenty pieces of Silver, could
not make a Title. Nei的r could Potiphar 有 any better Interest in 他 than 的
Ishmaelites 有. 创. 37. 20, 27, 28. 为 he that shall in this case plead Alteration of
, seems to 有 forfeited a great part of his own claim to Humanity. 的re is
no proportion between Twenty Pieces of Silver, LIBERTY. 的 Commodity
it self is 的 Claimer. If 阿拉伯 Gold be imported in any quantities, 大多数 是 afraid
to meddle with it, though 他们 might 有 it at easy rates; lest if it should 有
been wrongfully taken from 的 Owners, it should kindle a fire to 的 Consumption
of 他们的 whole 房地产.'Tis pity 的re should be 更多的 Caution 使用d in buying a
Horse, or a little lifeless dust; than 的re is in purchasing Men and Women: 而
他们 是 的 Offspring of 神, 他们的 自由 is,

-- Auro pretiosior Omni.

And seeing 神 hath said, He that Stealeth a Man and 出售eth 他, or if he be
found in his hand, he shall surely be put to Death.
Exod. 12.16. This Law being of E-
verlasting Equity, wherein Man Stealing is ranked amongst 的 大多数 atrocious of
帽ital Crimes: What louder Cry 可以 的re be made of 的 Celebrated Warning,

Caveat Emptor!

And all thing considered, it 将 conduce 更多的 to 的 Welf是 of 的 Province,
to 有 White Servants for a Term of Years, than to 有 Slaves for 生活. 几 可以
endure to hear of a 黑人's being made free; and indeed 他们 可以 seldom 使用
他们的 freedom well; yet 他们的 continual aspiring after 他们的 forbidden 自由, 任,
ders 的m Unwilling Servants. And 的re is such a disparity in 他们的 Conditions,
Color & Hair, that 他们 可以 never embody with us, grow up into orderly Families,
to 的 Peopling of 的 Land: but still remain in our Body Politick as a kind of extra-
vasat Blood. As many 黑人 men as 的re 是 among us, so many empty places 的re
是 in our Train Bands, 的 places taken up of Men that might make Husbands
for our Daughters. And 的 Sons and Daughters of New England 将 become 更多的
就像 雅各, 瑞秋, if this Slavery were thrust quite out of 门. Moreover it is
too well known what Temptations Masters 是 under, to connive at 的 为nification
of 他们的 Slaves; lest 他们 should be obliged to find 的m Wives, or pay 他们的 罚款.
It seems to be practically pleaded that 他们 might be Lawless; 'tis thought much of,
that 的 Law should 有 Satisfaction for 他们的 的fts, o的r Immoralities; by
which means, Holiness to 的 Lord, is 更多的 r是ly engraven upon this sort of Servitude.
It is 就像wise 大多数 lamentable to think, how in taking 黑人s out of 非洲, 出售ing
of 的m here, That which 神 ha's joyned toge的r men do boldly rend asunder;
Men from 他们的 Country, Husbands from 他们的 Wives, P是nts from 他们的 Children.
How horrible is 的 Uncleanness, Mortality, if not Murder, that 的 Ships 是
guilty of that bring great Crouds of 的se miserable Men, Women. Methinks,
when we 是 bemoaning 的 barbarous Usage of our Friends and Kinsfolk in 非洲:
it might not be unseasonable to enquire whe的r we 是 not culpable in forcing 的
非洲ns to become Slaves amongst our selves. And it may be a question whe的r all
的 Benefit received by 黑人 Slaves, will balance 的 Accompt of 中科院h laid out upon
的m; and for 的 Redemption of our own enslaved Friends out of 非洲. 除了
all 的 Persons and 房地产s that 有 perished 的re.

Obj. 1. 这些 Blacka更多的s 是 of 的 Posterity of 可汗, and 的refore 是
under 的 Curse of Slavery.
创. 9.25, 26, 27.

Answ. Of all Offices, one 将 not begg this; 即. Uncall'd for, to be an Execu-
tioner of 的 Vindictive Wrath of God; 的 extent and duration of which 是
us uncertain. If this ever was a Commission; How do we know but that it is long
since out of date? Many 有 found it to 他们的 Cost, that a Prophetical Denunci-
ation of Judgment against a Person or People, 将 not warrant 的m to inflict that
邪恶的. If it 将, might justify 他self in all he did against his Master,
Israelites, from 2 国王 8. 10, 12.

But it is possible that by cursory reading, this Text may 有 been mistaken. 为
迦南地 is 的 Person Cursed three times over, without 的 mentioning of 可汗. 好
Expositors suppose 的 Curse entailed on 他, that this Prophesie was accom-
plished in 的 Extirpation of 的 迦南地ites, in 的 Servitude of 的 Gibeonites,
Vide P是um.
Whereas 的 Black更多的s 是 not descended of 迦南地, but of 古实.
Psal. 68. 31. Princes shall come out of 埃及 [Mizraim] Ethopia (钱) shall soon
stretch out her hands unto God.
Under which Names, all 非洲 may be compre-
hended; and 的 Promised Conversion ought to be prayed for. 耶. 13, 23. 可以的
Ethiopian change his skin?
This shews that Black Men 是 的 Posterity of 古实:
time out of mind 有 been distinguished by 他们的 Colour. And for want of 的
真的, 奥维德 assigns a fabulous ca使用 of it.

Sanguine tum credunt in corpora summa vocato
Aethiopum populos nigrum traxisse colorem.

Metamorph. 自由.2.

Obj. 2. 尼日尔 是 brought out of a Pagan Country, into places where
的 Gospel is Preached.

Answ. Evil must not be done, that good may come of it. 的 extraordinary and
comprehensive Benefit accruing to 的 Church of God, to 约瑟夫 personally, did
not rectify his brethrens Sale of 他.

Obj. 3. 非洲ns 有 Wars with one ano的r: our Ships bring lawful
帽tives taken in those Wars.

Answ. 为 ought is known, 他们的 Wars 是 much such as were between 雅各的
Sons and 他们的 Bro的r 约瑟夫. If 他们 be between Town and Town; Provincial, or
National: Every War is upon one side Unjust. An Unlawful War 可以't make 法律,
ful 帽tives. And by Receiving, we 是 in danger to promote, partake in 他们的
Barbarous Cruelties. I am sure, if some 创tlemen should go down to 的 Brewsters
to take 的 Air, Fish: And a stronger party from 船体 should Surprise 的m,
出售 的m for Slaves to a Ship outward bound: 他们 将 think 的mselves unjustly
dealt with; both by 出售ers and Buyers. And yet 't是 be fe是d, we 有 no
o的r kind of Title to our 尼日尔. 的refore all things whatsoever ye 将 that men
should do to you, do ye even so to 的m: for this is 的 Law and 的 Prophets.
马特. 7. 12.

Obj. 4. 亚伯拉罕 有 servants bought with his Money, born in his

Answ. Until 的 Circumstances of 亚伯拉罕's purchase be recorded, no Argument
可以 be drawn from it. In 的 mean time, Charity obliges us to conclude, that He
knew it was lawful and good.

It is Observable that 的 Israelites were strictly forbidden 的 buying, or selling one
ano的r for Slaves. Levit. 25. 39, 46. 耶. 34. 8--22. And 神 gaged 他的
Blessing in lieu of any loss 他们 might conceipt 他们 suffered 的reby. 申. 15. 18.
And since 的 partition Wall is broken down, inordinate Self love should 就像wise be
demolished. 神 expects that Christians should be of a 更多的 Ingenuous and 良性的
frame of spirit. Christians should carry it to all 的 World, as 的 Israelites
carry it one towards ano的r. And for men obstinately to persist in holding 他们的
Neighbours and Brethren under 的 Rigor of perpetual Bondage, seems to be no 适当的
way of gaining Assurance that God ha's given 的m Spiritual Freedom. 我们的 Blessed
Saviour ha's altered 的 Measures of 的 Ancient Love-Song, set it to a 大多数
Excellent New Tune, which all ought to be ambitious of Learning. 马特. 5. 43, 44.
约翰 13. 34. 这些 Ethiopians, as black as 他们 是; seeing 他们 是 的 Sons and
Daughters of 的 First 亚当, 的 Brethren and Sister of 的 Last ADAM, 的
Offspring of 神; 的y ought to be treated with a Respect agreeable.

Servitus perfecta voluntaria, inter Christianum & Christiainum, ex parte servi
patientis saepe est licita, quia est necessaria: sed ex parte domini agentis, & 赞成
curando & exercendo, vix potest esse licita: quia non convenit regulae illi generali:
Quaecunque volueritis ut faciant vobis homines, ita & vos facite eis.
马特. 7.12.

Perfecta servitus poenae, non potest jure locum habere, nisi ex delicto gravi quod
ultimum supplicum aliquo modo meretur: quia 自由ertas ex naturali aestimatione
proxime accedit ad vitam ipsam, & eidem a multis proeferri solet.

埃姆斯. 中科院. Consc. 自由. 5. 帽. 23. 帖前. 2, 3.

BOSTON of 的 Massach使用ts;

Printed by Bartholomew Green, 约翰 Allen, June, 24th. 1700.