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Brook Farm watercolors

Brook Farm watercolors Watercolor on paper


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    [ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

    这个优雅的卷从自然和布鲁克农场的两个当代观点的二十水彩画草图是由玛丽安·德怀特在她的时间在布鲁克农场在西罗克斯伯里创建, Massachusetts. Dwight painted flowers, birds, and autumn leaves, 这些在1845年被收集成书出售,以造福社会. The entire volume is available for browsing online; (please follow the available links).

    Who was Marianne Dwight?

    玛丽安·德怀特于1816年4月4日出生,是爱德华·路德·金博士的女儿. John Dwight and Mary (Corey) Dwight. 她的父亲毕业于哈佛大学(1800届),在成为波士顿的一名医生之前,曾在牧师部门学习. In 1844, Dr. Dwight and his family, including adult children John Sullivan, Marianne, and Frances Ellen took up residence at Brook Farm. 约翰·沙利文·德怀特在妹妹玛丽安的协助下教授音乐和拉丁语, 但她很快就找到了另一份工作来充实自己的日子,并为社区带来急需的现金.

    "The Fancy Group"

    布鲁克农场社区的所有成员都被期望通过他们的劳动为整体做出贡献,妇女也不例外. According to Sterling Delano, Marianne Dwight, her mother Mary, founder Sophia Ripley, 和其他妇女建立了一个“花式小组”来制作“帽子”, cap-tabs, collars, capes, under-sleeves, and other similar articles" to sell in Boston. Dwight informed her friend Anna Q. T. 帕森斯说,这家企业为社区带来了“可观的资金”. 但到了1845年,绘画占据了她在布鲁克农场醒着的大部分时间.

    In February of 1845, Marianne wrote to her friend Anna, "I keep very busy, 我需要更多的灯罩和其他花哨的东西,目前我无法供应.布鲁克农场的编年史家林赛·斯威夫特(Lindsay Swift)指出,对德怀特的水彩画的需求很高,“她每天在朝圣者之家的小工作室里呆上8个小时并不罕见。, 花儿过去后,秋叶为她提供了工作的材料." Indeed, by that fall, 她策划了一个计划,要创作像这里介绍的这本书一样的书, writing to Parsons, “我现在有一个计划……制作一些小书出售……它们是绘本——野花。, birds, and I know not yet what variety."

    Finding love at Brook Farm

    Life at Brook Farm was not all hard work for Marianne. In August of 1845, 她写信给她的朋友安娜,向她保证说:“我们的朋友不会有幸阻止我给你写信……你所说的危机是我没有想到的——或者如果有这种想法的话。, I banish it.她在信中提到的那位朋友也是布鲁克农场的居民, John Orvis (1816-1897) and by November, 给安娜的信暗示他已经向玛丽安求婚了, 尽管玛丽安并没有写“那些对我来说最深刻的话题”,“更喜欢把这些话题留到面对面的交谈中. 1846年圣诞节前夕,威廉·亨利·钱宁在布鲁克农场为约翰·奥维斯和玛丽安·德怀特主持了婚礼. 虽然他们的婚礼是唯一一个在布鲁克农场举行的婚礼, John Thomas Codman notes in his Brook Farm: Historic and Personal Memoirs 据他所知,有十四桩婚姻都是在布鲁克农场建立起来的, "not an unhappy marriage among them all."

    Life after Brook Farm

    德怀特一家在布鲁克农场一直住到1847年10月. After the dissolution of the community, 玛丽安和约翰·奥维斯定居在牙买加平原,并有两个孩子:克里斯特尔, born in 1848, and Helen, born in 1850. John Orvis continued his career as a lecturer for reform causes and for a time sold sewing machines; he also served as the president of the New England Equity Insurance Co. John Orvis died in 1897, four years before Marianne. 两人被埋葬在牙买加平原的森林山公墓.

    What was Brook Farm?

    The Utopian community of Brook Farm in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, 由前一神论牧师乔治·里普利和他的妻子索菲亚于1841年创立,作为受先验主义哲学启发的合作生活的实验. Residents of the community shared in the work of farming, education, 而其他劳动力——无论男女——都有报酬,而且参与者基本上可以选择自己的职业. 不幸的是,从一开始,财政和其他问题就困扰着布鲁克农场. The 192 acres of land purchased by Ripley were unsuited to agriculture (and many of the residents were unused to agricultural work); smallpox hit the community in 1845; and in 1846 fire destroyed the Phalanstery, a large building nearing completion at Brook Farm. 这些和其他问题导致了1847年3月该社团的解散. 当年8月,这些房产和建筑被拍卖.

    Brook Farm Artifacts at the MHS

    除了玛丽安·德怀特的水彩画, 马萨诸塞州历史学会有许多布鲁克农场相关的文物. These include a cane cut and carved at Brook Farm by resident William Butterfield and given to his brother Jonathan; a 属于科德曼和巴特菲尔德家族成员的玩偶; and a pewter oil lamp 据说是以法莲·卡彭的,他是唯一加入布鲁克农场的锡匠.

    该协会还收藏了艺术家乔赛亚·沃尔科特(Josiah Wolcott)创作的两幅利记APP官网手机版布鲁克农场的当代画作: Brook Farm and Brook Farm with Rainbow.

    For Further Reading

    Brook Farm records, 1842-1901.

    This collection, held by the MHS, 包括布鲁克农场的活动记录,以及玛丽安·德怀特(后来的奥维斯)给她的朋友安娜·Q的信. T. 帕森斯(也有一些作为回报)和德怀特的兄弟弗兰克,描述了农场的日常生活.

    Codman, John Thomas. Brook Farm: Historic and Personal Memoirs. Boston: Arena Publishing, 1894.

    Delano, Sterling F. Brook Farm: The Dark Side of Utopia. 剑桥,马萨诸塞州:哈佛大学出版社Belknap出版社,2004年.

    Dwight, Benjamin W. 马萨诸塞州戴德姆市约翰·德怀特后裔的历史., vol. 2. New York: John F. Trow & Son, 1874.

    Myerson, Joel. Brook Farm: An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide. New York: Garland Pub., 1978. 

    这个参考书目包含了MHS的布鲁克农场记录的详细说明,包括玛丽安·德怀特-安娜Q的逐项库存. T. Parsons correspondence.

    Orvis, Marianne Dwight. Letters from Brook Farm. 1844-1847 Poughkeepsie, N.Y.: Vassar College, 1928.

    Rose, Anne C. Transcendentalism as a Social Movement, 1830-1950. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981.

    Swift, Lindsay. Brook Farm: Its Members, Scholars, and Visitors. New York: Corinth Books, 1961.

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