
总统访问玛莎葡萄园岛:尤利西斯S. 1874年8月

格兰特总统在黑文主教的别墅举办派对 照片graph, stereograph


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这幅立体图由R. G. 马萨诸塞州埃德加敦的舒特.,描绘了美国总统尤利西斯. 格兰特 and his wife Julia; Orville E. Babcock (格兰特’s private secretary) and his wife Annie; Miss Campbell (Annie Babcock’s sister), and Miss Barnes on the porch of Bi商店 Gilbert Haven’s cottage in Wesleyan Grove, 玛莎葡萄园岛. 格兰特是第一位访问葡萄园的在任总统.


今天, 玛莎葡萄园岛 is no stranger to high profile visitors including Presidents Clinton and Obama who arrive on the island with their families and entourages and are whisked away to a private retreat, 偶尔出来骑自行车, 吃冰淇淋, 商店, 或者高尔夫. 但是当尤利西斯. 格兰特于1874年8月下旬抵达该岛, the island was not yet a summer tourist mecca and 格兰特 stayed in a cottage in the densely-packed cluster of cottages comprising the Wesleyan Grove Methodist camp meeting. 尽管营地会议正如火如荼地进行着, there can be little doubt that religious endeavors were overshadowed by the excitement of a Presidential visit, 至少能维持几天.

乘轮船经伍德霍尔到达 河女王, 内战期间曾是格兰特的调度船之一, the President was met by a “gaily decorated” trolley car drawn by six black horses which, 被成千上万的求知者追逐着, delivered the President to Bi商店 Gilbert Haven’s cottage on Clinton Avenue. The rest of the President’s day was a whirlwind—an appearance at the Methodist tabernacle where “the space under the canopy and for rods around was one dense mass of eager humanity,“在中央大厦吃晚餐, 观看壮观的灯光和烟花表演, 为夫人举行的招待会. 格兰特, and finally a moonlight serenade which elicited the following response from 格兰特: “I thank you for your cheerful greeting. 毫无疑问,你和我一样又累又困,所以我就不耽搁你了. 晚安,各位。.”

第二天早上, 总统一行离开这个岛前往楠塔基特和海恩尼斯, 在深夜返回. The next day, 格兰特 visited Naushon Island, the home of John Murray Forbes of Milton, Massachusetts. Forbes was a prominent Republican and some have speculated that the reason for the visit was 格兰特’s desire to gauge his support for a third term. 福布斯和格兰特曾经很亲密, 但在政治问题上发生了冲突, including the appointment of William Simmons as collector of the port of Boston (perhaps not coincidentally, 西蒙斯在格兰特访岛的准备工作中发挥了重要作用, making sure everything was just so and that 格兰特’s favorite cigars were close at hand at all times). It is unknown what Forbes and 格兰特 talked about during their private chat, 但是到了六点半, 格兰特回到葡萄园参加由J. W. 纽约出版公司的哈珀在海景酒店采访了我. A reception followed at which more than 1000 people are said to have shaken hands with the president. 大约一个小时后,总统离开了招待会, 尽管舞会和其他庆祝活动一直持续到午夜.

格兰特访问的最后一天恰逢“大星期天”,这是营地会议的最后一天, and 格兰特 and his wife attended morning services at Wesleyan Grove before departing aboard the Monohansett 新贝德福德. 夫人. 格兰特 expressed her delight both the island and the Wesleyan Grove camp meeting. The President, taciturn as ever, bowed slightly, waved to the crowds, and returned to the mainland.


Camp meetings were a form of popular outdoor religious revivals employed by various Protestant denominations. Originating in frontier areas where people would gather from far-flung locales, 在空地周围搭起帐篷, 享受一段持续的布道, 赞美诗唱, 还有宗教团体, 露营会在整个19世纪越来越受欢迎, 尤其是卫理公会教徒. 玛莎葡萄园岛露营会成立于1835年, 从第一年的9个帐篷发展到1855年的200个. 希伯仑文森特, 从一开始就记录卫斯理教会集会的人, described the Vineyard meeting as “destined to rise in importance … may become a rallying point for multitudes. 方便着陆, 水平地面, 令人愉快的小树林, 还有充足的最甜的水, are among the inducements which this place holds out to the lovers of camp meetings.” Given that religious services under the aegis of the 玛莎葡萄园岛 Camp Meeting Association are held to this day, 牧师. 文森特说对了.

The distinctive “gingerbread” cottages that Wesleyan Grove is known for began to appear between 1859 and 1864 and are thought to have been the invention of local craftsmen. 如今,包括主教港在内的约300所学校依然存在. 当代的一篇文章 纽约时报 描述这些小屋为

非常漂亮, with Gothic arches and balconies; they consist of only two small rooms and are open at each end constantly … giving one a glimpse of all that transpires within … Canary birds sing outside the doors. 树干变成了长满青苔的花篮. 常春藤笼罩着白色的帐篷,给人一种超越建筑的美.

There is little doubt that the clusters of tiny cottages and tents contributed to the notion of Wesleyan Grove as a magical and spiritual place. 当相邻的奥克布拉夫斯镇在19世纪60年代末被开发时, the cottages and arrangement of streets took their inspiration directly from Wesleyan Grove, 虽然由专业的建筑师和景观设计师来诠释.


立体摄影是最早的3d摄影尝试之一. They consist of two nearly identical photographic 图像s (usually paper-based, 但偶尔玻璃), 并排安装,这样, 通过立体观察器(或眯着眼)观察时, the viewer sees the 图像 in three dimensions rather than as flat photographic 图像s. Stereo daguerreotypes were first introduced to the public at the 1851 Crystal Palace Exhibition in London, 到1870年, photographers all over the United States were creating mounted paper views for sale to an avid public. 1859年,诗人老奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯., invented a hand-held stereograph viewer and glowingly praised stereographs in the 《利记APP官网手机版》.

The first effect of looking at a good photograph through the stereoscope is a surprise such as no painting ever produced. 心灵摸索着进入画面的最深处. The scraggy branches of a tree in the foreground run out at us as if they would scratch our eyes out. 有太多的细节了, that we have the same sense of infinite complexity which Nature gives us … the stereoscopic figure spares us nothing …

福尔摩斯在文章的结尾对读者提出了一些建议, 以及收集立体照片的技巧. Although stereographs were most popular from 1870 to about 1920, they are still produced today. 另一个熟悉的技术迭代是ViewMaster, introduced at the 1939 World’s Fair and enjoyed by children throughout the 20th century.


戈勒姆,巴洛威德. 营地会议手册:一个实用的书为营地的两个部分. 波士顿:H.V. 德根,1854 

福尔摩斯,奥利弗·温德尔. “立体镜和立体图,” 《利记APP官网手机版》,卷. 1859年6月,第3页. 738-748

除了几百张立体照片, MHS的藏品包括两幅福尔摩斯立体画的复制品.

布列塔尼编辑Jasnov. "克林顿夫妇在这里, So Were the Obamas: the Secret History of Presidential Vacations on 玛莎葡萄园岛《利记手机官网》, 波士顿杂志.

Information about the 玛莎葡萄园岛 Camp Meeting Association can be found at their website, mvcma.org

亨利·富兰克林·诺顿. 玛莎葡萄园岛:历史、传奇、风景. 哈特福德:派恩印刷厂,1923年.

阿瑟·R·雷尔顿. “当格兰特占领小岛时,” 杜克县情报员,卷. 29, no. 1(8月. 1987), p. 1-25

文森特,希伯仑. 卫斯理小树林的历史, 玛莎葡萄园岛, 营地会议:从1835年第一次会议到1858年会议, Inclusive; Interspersed with Touching Incidents and General Remarks. 波士顿:兰德 & 艾弗里,1858.

维斯,艾伦. City in the Woods: The Life and Design of an American Camp Meeting on 玛莎葡萄园岛. 纽约:牛津大学出版社,1987.

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