Massachusetts Historical Society

Published Collections

两个多世纪以来,使其手稿馆藏的内容更容易获得的愿望一直是该协会世纪出版计划的核心. Towards that end, 卫生部支持出版纪实版,通过仔细的抄录和提供历史背景的注释,使手稿的内容得以提供.


Cover image, Pedagogues and Protesters

Edited by Conrad Edick Wright

On April 4, 1768, about one hundred angry Harvard College undergraduates, well over half the student body, left school and went home, in protest against new rules about class preparation. 他们的行动构成了美国殖民地大学中规模最大的学生罢课. 许多同时代的人认为这个原因微不足道,学生们的决定令人费解, 但在本科生们自己看来,这是数月来与教员关系紧张的高潮.
Pedagogues and Protesters 斯蒂芬·皮博迪在日记中记录了一年(1767年5月至1768年5月), a member of the class of 1769. The best surviving account of colonial college life, Peabody’s journal documents relationships among students, faculty members, and administrators, 以及作者与马萨诸塞州社会其他阶层的关系. To a full transcription of the entries, 康拉德·埃迪克·赖特(Conrad Edick Wright)添加了详细的注释和介绍,重点介绍了该杂志对美国最古老大学日常生活的揭示.

324 pages, 18 b&w illustrations
Published by the University of Massachusetts Press in association with the Massachusetts Historical Society

$90.00 Hardcover (2017) ISBN: 978-1-62534-255-3
$27.95 Paperback (2017) ISBN: 978-1-62534-256-0

Winthrop Papers Digital Edition

This Winthrop Papers Digital Edition 呈现了温斯洛普文件纪录片版以前出版的卷的数字化内容, a publication of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers now have online access to the contents of volumes 1 through 4, 包括主要在16和17世纪创作的温斯洛普文献的注释抄本.

For information about the printed volumes, see below.


Letters and Photographs from the Battle Country Cover

Edited by Margaret R. Higonnet with Susan Solomon

In August 1918, 一位马萨诸塞州出生的名叫玛格丽特·霍尔的妇女在纽约市登上了一艘运输船,这艘船将带她穿越大西洋,到法国与美国红十字会一起工作, 就在那时,英国陷入了与德国的毁灭性的、看似无休止的冲突之中. The year she spent near the Western Front was eye opening; careful not to let her experience slip away like a strange dream, she captured it in rich detail in a series of letters, journals, 还有将近300张照片,当她回到美国时,她将这些照片编织成一个强有力的故事. That narrative, a manuscript in the collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, is now published for the first time.

Read more about Letters and Photographs from the Battle Country.

256 pages, 83 b&w illustrations

Distributed by the University of Virginia Press.

$35 Paperback (2014) ISBN: 978-1-936520-07-7

托马斯·杰斐逊的孙女在维多利亚女王时代的英国:艾伦·韦尔斯·柯立芝的旅行日记, 1838-1839


Edited by Ann Lucas Birle and Lisa A. Francavilla

1838年6月,维多利亚女王登基之际,艾伦·韦尔斯·柯立芝抵达伦敦,当时市民们还在庆祝加冕典礼. During her nine-month stay, Coolidge kept a diary that reveals the uncommon education of her youth, when she lived and studied at Monticello with her grandfather Thomas Jefferson. This volume brings the full text of her diary to publication for the first time, 通过提供历史背景的仔细研究注释,为今天的读者打开她的文本. Read More

464 pages, 22 color and 13 b&w illustrations and 2 maps
Distributed by the University of Virginia Press

$45 Hardcover (2011) ISBN: 978-1-936520-02-2

A Woman's Wit & Whimsy: The 1833 Diary of Anna Cabot Lowell Quincy

Cover of the Anna Cabot Lowell Quincy diary

Edited and with an introduction by Beverly Wilson Palmer

Anna Cabot Lowell Quincy, the youngest daughter of Josiah Quincy--onetime U.S. Congressman, former Mayor of Boston, 1833年春夏,21岁的她开始写日记,当时她还是哈佛大学的校长. 昆西生动而讽刺地描述了哈佛大学的晚会和波士顿的沙龙舞会,描绘了一个求爱仪式占主导地位的世界,外表既重要又具有欺骗性.

192 pages, 8 illustrations
Originally copublished with Northeastern University Press
For information about the availability of this title, please contact the Publications Department

$47.50 Hardcover (2003) ISBN: 1-555535-75-5
$18.95 Paperback (2003) ISBN: 1-555535-74-7

New Year in Cuba: Mary Gardner Lowell's Travel Diary, 1831-1832

Cover the Mary Gardner Lowell Diary

Edited and with an introduction by Karen Robert

洛厄尔的冒险日记第一次在这里出版,这本日记将她从安全舒适的比肯山(Beacon Hill)环境带到古巴和美国边疆新兴城市. 洛厄尔生动详细地描述了他在废奴主义的波士顿和蓄奴的古巴之间跨越许多边界的旅程中的每一个事件和观察, between the parlor and the sugar mill, 位于精致的东北部和加勒比腹地以及密西西比河流域的沿河城镇之间. Lowell writes with fine precision and a critical eye, salting her narrative with gossip and a good dose of humor. Her diary also provides insights into class, race, and gender relations as well as the evolving relationship between the U.S. and Cuba in the antebellum period.

208 pages, 8 illustrations
Originally copublished with Northeastern University Press
For information about the availability of this title, please contact the Publications Department

$45.00 Hardcover (2003) ISBN: 1-555535-59-3
$17.95 Paperback (2003) ISBN: 1-555535-58-5

Buried from the World: Inside the Massachusetts State Prison, 1829-1831

Edited and with an introduction by Philip F. Gura

Front cover of the book Buried from the World

Between 1829 and 1831, Jared Curtis, chaplain at the Massachusetts State Prison in Charlestown, 采访了300多名囚犯中的每一个人,并在两本皮面笔记本上记录了他们的传记. Those notebooks, fully transcribed and well annotated after their discovery in 1998, form the basis for Buried from the World. 柯蒂斯为每个人写的一两段文字,以令人心酸的简笔记录了他们的生活,否则就会被历史遗忘, including details of age, race, upbringing and education, temperance, and the crime that brought that individual to Charlestown. Gura's introduction places the document in its historical context, 包括对19世纪监狱改革的回顾以及州监狱的日常制度和条件.

332 pages, 8 illustrations
Distributed by the University of Virginia Press

$30.00 Hardcover (2002) ISBN: 0-934909-79-2

Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society

The Collections series, published since 1792, 通过将手稿收集的文件提供给图书馆外的研究人员,实现了协会的使命. These volumes adhere to the highest standards of documentary editing.

Selected Journals of Caroline Healey Dall

Volume 1 (1835-1855), Collections vol. 90
In Print November 2006
Edited by Helen R. Deese
648 pages
$75.00 ISBN: 0-934909-90-3

Volume 2 (1855-1866), Collections vol. 91
In Print July 2013
Edited by Helen R. Deese
762 pages
$75.00 ISBN: 978-0-936520-05-3

Order from the University of Virginia Press

Read about Caroline Healey Dall.

The Papers of Robert Treat Paine (1746-1814)

The Papers of Robert Treat Paine, Volume 4:1778-1786

Edited by Edward W. Hanson

这个系列的第四卷包括罗伯特·特·潘恩作为马萨诸塞州司法部长的时间. 本卷中的文件突出了一个被暴力和动荡笼罩的国家对秩序的追求. Paine dedicated himself to reforming and enforcing the laws. Outside of the courtroom, Paine obsessed over stabilizing the economy, 这本书展示了他对价格控制和假冒等看似平凡的话题的激烈观点. 当潘恩专注于稳定国家时,他常常忽略了他的家庭生活. 他与妻子的通信表明,面对战时物资短缺和独自抚养一群孩子的挑战,妻子感到不满. The volume concludes with one of Paine’s most influential cases, the first of many treason trials in the aftermath of Shays’s Rebellion.

Collections vols. 87, 88, 89, and 92
Order from the University of Virginia Press
Fifth volume forthcoming.

Read about Robert Treat Paine.

The Papers of Leverett Saltonstall (1816-1845)

Collections vols. 82 through 86
Order from the University of Virginia Press

The Saltonstall Papers (1607-1815)

Collections vols. 80 and 81
Contact the Publications Department for availability.

Ordering Information

All Collections volumes are hardbound.
Volumes 85-90, and standing orders for future volumes, are available from The University of Virginia Press (1-800-831-3406).

Collections vols. 1-79 are available on microfilm.

For the availability of earlier printed volumes, including cumulative indexes, please contact the Publications Department at

Winthrop Papers

Containing the letters of John Winthrop, Sr., his son John Winthrop, Jr.,以及他们的通讯员,这本合集详细介绍了新英格兰殖民地早期的情况. One of the most important manuscript sources about colonial New England, 温斯洛普论文是马萨诸塞州历史学会收藏和美国历史研究的中心. This series provides annotated transcriptions, prepared for a scholarly audience, of the most valuable documents from this resource.

Volume 6, 1650-1654

Edited by Malcolm Freiberg
571 pages, 1 color illustration
$65.00 Hardcover (1992) ISBN: 978-0-934909-75-4

Contact the University of Virginia Press to order volume 6.

Volumes 1-5

Volumes 1 through 5 are out of print.
The Winthrop Papers Digital Edition,包含了第1卷至第4卷印刷的所有内容. Contents for later volumes are in progress.

Volume 5, 1645-1649
Edited by Allyn Bailey Forbes, 1947
445 pages

Volume 4, 1638-1644
Edited by Allyn Bailey Forbes, 1944
568 pages, 1 color illustration, and 1 map

Volume 3, 1631-1637
Edited by Allyn Bailey Forbes, 1943
581 pages, illustrations

Volume 2, 1623-1630
Edited by Stewart Mitchell, 1931
379 pages, illustrations

Volume 1, 1498-1628
Edited by Worthington C. Ford, 1929
488 pages, 4 color and 10 b&w illustrations, and 1 map

About the Editors

Under the editorship of Dr. Francis J. Bremer (e-mail at, Millersville University, future publication plans include

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